Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Politics

Colin Powell endorses who?! Obama?! What?
Colin Powell is pretty much like Morgan Freeman; he is the man. What he says goes. If he says vote for Barack Obama, you vote for Obama. The former Republican Secretary of State of the current president endorses... a democrat! Watch it via Meet the Press:

Fox News at it again!
This time fox news refuses to accept that Bill Ayers and Barack Obama don't 'pall' around with each other. Check out the picture they have of Ayers from 2001! They can't even be tactful about it! I actually laugh at this stuff.

I had a problem with McCain and this whole Bill Ayers situation because he knows and reassures people that Obama is not a terrorist but he and his campaign haven't eased up with the Bill Ayers associations. McCain, however, has recently 'defended' Obama at rallies. Shout out to Jen for this one:

Palin, however, is still stupid. Check this video out. I won't describe the 20 second clip... it's worth a peek, believe me! Especially if you're voting in New Hampshire! Shout out to Jen again:

Also, the Governor and future... still Governor of Alaska was on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Go to to check that out. Haven't seen it yet but I'm assuming that she got lucky SNL isn't a complete improv show because she would have failed horribly... not like she hasn't done so already.

two times.

1 comment:

Greatest said...

Until i get my weekend blog input section i will continue to make comments. Lets start with the debate. McCain best debate by far and still his attempts were not enough to take out Obama. Obama addressed everything thrown at him and seemed really calm. McCain...well he looked like he was going to piss his pants and eat someone. His focus on Joe the plumber really bothers me. Now his argument on redistribution of wealth makes some sense. I know that many Americans work hard for their incomes and don't like to see most of it taken away from them. I know I don't like it. But thats the way the world works. Taxes, like Colin Powell remarks on, go toward toward the common good into such programs like education, building new roads and health. The people who pay these taxes are essentially getting them back through the development of these programs. To say that Obama is a socialist and redistributing the wealth of Americans against their will is ridiculous. "wealth" the word implies a standard a living beyond what is really needed to survive. People who are wealthy have a moral responsibility to help out those in need, not to be greedy and to keep their wealth to themselves. A person who shares an apartment with others yet has the smallest bedroom and does not have his/her own bathroom does not pay the same rent as everyone else who has more room. A student is not expected to contribute to the rent in an equal amount that his/her own parents pay. A student receives financial aid because they can not afford to pay the full tuition. Those who pay the full tutiton can afford it, and that money is used to develop and improve to school. While no one like tuition going up, this is felt hardest by those who can afford it. But to say that if tution is raised those with money should have to pay more is ridiculous. this is how the world works. those who have more resources are going to be expected to provide sore of their resources than those who dont have it. Its funny how McCain points out how we are in our current because of the greed of CEO's on Wall st, yet, its the CEO's on Wall st who will be hit hardest by Obama's plan, not the average working America. McCain congradulates Joe the plumber for working hard to become rich. So to me, when McCain says he wants to protect Joe the Plumber who has worked hard to become "rich" it sounds like he is only trying to protect the "rich" like these greedy CEO's. He should be promoting and encouraging those with resources to help instead of keeping what they got to themselves. Plus when have you ever heard of a rich plumber? Im not stupid McCain, I havent seen a rich Plumber since Super Mario, that dude got mad gold coins in that game.
I would love to see McCain's focus on Ayers die. Barack addressed in the debate perfectly. McCain also attacked Obama for not knowing whats going on South of the border because Obama hasnt travelled their. Now I don't know much about the our countries relationship with South American countries, but when McCain said Columbia was our biggest ally there i was a bit confused. How can a country who just released some of our troops they were holding as prisoners be our biggest ally?
Powell endorsement of Obama can be viewed in so many ways. Some people are shocked since Powell is a friend on McCain and served under the Bush administration. Powell is also republican. Some people have predicted this for a while. What I like the most about the endorsement was Powell'reasoning. He claims that McCains campaign has been too negative and not focusing on the issues that AMericans find important. McCain claimed ages ago that Ayers is a washed up terrorists. Powell questions why then does McCain focus so much on a washed up terrorist. Focusing on who is Muslim and who is not should not be the focus of McCain's campaign. America isknown to be a strong country that gets its best characteristics from its diversity as a nation. I think its important to convey the message of the American dream, that all people should be treated fairly, and anyone, no matter where they from or religious background, should be able to believe that one day they too can be the President of the United States. I think the McCain campaign gives the wrong message to young Americans, either Muslim or any other affiliation that they will not be able to fulfill their dreams because of the mistakes of others. McCain told Joe the Plumber that he wants to help him fulfill his dream. What about to the 8 year old Muslim American citizen who loves politcis and dreams about leading this country? Can his dream be realized? is the American dream strictly a wealth matter? Powell is a smart man and made a good decision. While Obama may not have all the experience needed to run the country at such a critical point in history, I believe that he has shown intellectual understanding on the matters that are most important and will surroound homself with advisers to help him along the way. Being President is not a one man job anyway, but it is one man that ultimately gets the final say.