Friday, October 10, 2008


So Obama is not only on his way to becoming president. My dude just got his own tv show... kinda.

Kinda like his shirt right there, I'm not gonna lie

Obama purchased a half hour of time on both CBS and NBC for Wednesday, October 29th 2008. No word on the exact use of the half hour special but with it being 6 days before election day, I'm sure Obama plans to encourage us all to vote and tell us why we should choose him over the other guy.


I hope Biden makes an appearance. I mean, when those two smile, it's envigorating... makes you think that this country could actually get back on track.

And again, please make sure you're registered to vote!


miamisands said...

i can't wait to see what Obama does during those 30 minutes. i'm sure they are going to be amazing.

i'm so disturbed by the things that are going on in this country. Palin abuses power and yet i'm sure her supporters don't care b/c gosh darn it, she's just oh so pretty (altho Graham knows i think she's ugly and looks like a bird). then, to make me even more frustrated is the "typo" of Obama's name on ballots mailed in New York County. Barack Osama? Come on now. The "s" is nowhere near the "b" - let's not kid ourselves. But, put them together and you get some BS!!

here's a lovely pic of the ballot:

Grambo said...

Her supporters really don't get it. It's disturbing... and the rallies are only getting worse. When people (Americans, mostly) feel threatened by a new force, they always seem to try and attack where it is easiest, but not necessarily effective (sound familiar? Iraq?). Here, they are flailing and throwing all sorts of shit against the wall to see what sticks.

The fact of the matter is, there are people in this country who would never vote for Obama. That's fine. I know tons of people who would never vote for McCain. It's just a matter of being civil about it. Good discussion about differences is what we've come to expect from high school or college, but the despicable name-calling is straight out of first grade. It sucks to watch.

And stop calling her a bird. She's pretty fine, IMO.