Perf --You may already be registered to vote, but you probably know several people who are not.
If they're not registered by today, they can't vote in this historic election.
This election is going to hinge on unprecedented voter turnout.
Visit VoteForChange.com, our one-stop voter registration website, and register before the New York deadline.
Then encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same.
Together, we can make history and bring about the change we need.
P.S. -- Please forward this email to your friends, family, and neighbors and make sure they register today.
Visit: NY.BarackObama.com | Email: NY@BarackObama.com
OK, maybe Obama sent that e-mail to a bunch of you too but I got a shout out in this one. But seriously people, please make sure that everyone you know who is eligible to vote, can and will vote when November 4th rolls around. If we want change, we must vote. Stay up.
two times.
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