Saturday, January 31, 2009

5 Thoughts on How To Jump-Start the Economy:

1: The Big 3's designs to make cars that require less oil are short-sighted. Just make flying cars the goal, and you bypass the need to rethink the entire Industrial Revolution altogether - nobody is going to object to having a diesel engine if their car can fly. Plus, considering how inefficient a flying car that runs on diesel would be, it'd take at least a million engineers to figure out how to make it work. Can you say "job creation?"
2: Speaking of creating jobs, hurry up and legalize drugs. Not only the ones that don't cause any more harm than cigarettes or alcohol. All of them. People who use don't do it because it's illegal, and they will continue to use if the drugs are legalized. But they will have to pay taxes. Taxes for meth = serious money. And people who don't use because certain drugs are illegal also probably have better reasons than lawfulness (empirical evidence comes to mind). If it's good enough for Michael Phelps, it's good enough for America. Plus, it'll help cull the rich.
3: Stop deporting international students who graduate from the American higher education system. I'm actually serious about this one.
4: America needs a high-speed MagLev train. China has one. America doesn't. What. NY to LA. 3 hours. Also, Manhattan needs a monorail system. At once. Get on that Gotham City prontosaurus. Minus the explosions.
5: Next time we feel like declaring war, do it on Canada. Much easier to bring troops home after that's over. They can just walk back.

1 comment:

Perf said...

I second all points.

two times.