Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama Withdrawal

Do you have an eerily empty feeling in the pit of your stomach? Do you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because you dreamed that RealClearPolitics shut down indefinitely? Do you fear for the future of our nation because Obama might not win? This message is for you.

For your information, the election happened about 14 days ago, and your symptoms suggest that you are going through Obama Withdrawal. This is a very serious ailment. Other symptoms include extremely sore fingers from over-blogging, a generally lethargic physical state, and an acute sensitivity to the voices of Wolf Blitzer, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Sean Hannity, with the latter giving you cold sweats. Obama Withdrawal cannot be cured with over-the-counter medication or current television. In fact, since you have spent the better part of two years working so hard for our next President (yes folks, he won), this dearth of political coverage related to the election has overcome your body with a malaise that is basically untreatable. If you're like most patients, you've spent all of your leisure money on donations to the DNC, you no longer know your home address (it's not 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or somewhere along the Road to the White House), and you cannot digest solid food, besides, of course, red meat.

It's a shame, really, because you were poised to be such useful citizens of this fine country. Now, you have been reduced to an amorphous blob of useless Sarah Palin factoids and images of ex-Senator-now-President-Elect Obama in Hawaii with his family.

I, Grambo M.D., prescribe the only remedy to this debilitating ailment: this blog. As we move forward, we will be tackling broader issues of identity, and how they manifest themselves in our daily lives. Finally, you will have a voice again, a forum to read and discuss the issues you care about most. We know there must be some other things that you care about, so let us know what you want to see and we'll put it up. Also, we've been receiving a couple college response papers from readers on everything from Prop 8 to education policy to the environment. We will gladly post these, most likely coupled with the unveiling of the new website.... ooooh, the suspense. Stay tuned...

And if you still don't think you can kick the habit, go to superobamaworld.com. You may never return...

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